بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Salam Brothers and Sisters in Islam
Every race carries with it excess baggage and we Malays are no different. What I mean by excess baggage is the inherited views, feelings and opinions. These have to a certain extent become part of our culture and values.
These values passed from generation to generation have created what Malays are now. One of them is the “Singapore belongs to the Malays” sentiment. There is no doubt that the Malays (orang laut) were the original inhabitants but when our fore fathers claim “Singapura Melayu Punya” we segregated ourselves from the general population. For one point of time we see ourselves as “The Superior Race”. That leads to the “Gemar Berkelompok” lifestlye.
But sad to say, when we claim (if so true) that we are the “Superior Race”, we do not know how to live up to it. We slackened, so drastically that when other races progressed, we developed an inferiority complex. 1) We become sour grapes by saying ‘Dunia ini diorang punya’. 2) We become very contented and don’t see the need to progress. 3) We even become a problem race for the government for one point of time by having the highest number of drug users.
This feeling lasted till the late eighties and there are still traces of it till now. When Malays have that inferiority complex, we do not want to compete with the other races because we know we can’t stand shoulder to shoulder with them. So what do we do? We compete among ourselves leading to “Sukar berinteraksi dengan mesyarakat majmuk” and will only want to excel among our own race, “Menyerlah antara mereka sendiri”.
We Malays have taken this a step further by ‘killing other Malays’ and being happy looking at the failure of our fellow race.
Let’s ask ourselves the following questions? 1) Are these negative values from Islam? 2) Did Islam teach us this? Surely no. 3) Does contentment in Islam hinder progress and excelling?
If we Malays don’t erase off the bad inherited values which I see as a disease, we are going nowhere. Let's look inwards, reflect upon ourselves and contemplate whether we are among this group of people.
True Allah has written our destiny, but we have the choice to choose which path do we want to take. We pave the way and Allah will guide us, insyaAllah.
Dengan kita tidak berkelompok dan dengan berinteraksi dengan masyarakat majmuk, keindahan Islam akan lebih terserlah. Inilah peluang untuk kita membuat da’wah. Memang benar proses ini memakan masa yang lama. Bahkan natijahnya mungkin kita tidak akan dapat dilihat semasa hayat kita tetapi ia tidak bermakna kerja ini tidak perlu dibuat dan di warisi oleh generasi yang akan datang. Barulah kita layak di gelar khairah ummah…
What the 1st commentator mentioned on the 1st paragraph is absolutely correct.And with that,we must always take into consideration of every human personal history.
I share most of his opinion on this discussion.
It is very true to a certain extent that Malay community favour to be in their own circle than to mix with other community.
I take myself as an example.Im only able to mix with my own people.For instant,i come from an all girl school.Im comfortable in my own circle of group and prefer much much better to stay that way because to me,its tough to mix with girls who came from co-ed school.So,that is one weakness.
Second weakness,i only mix with people who are on the same wavelength as me-similar thinking,interest etc.Again,it's tough when i like Gucci and the other girl fancy Adidas.No comment interest at all.Now this only between us Malays. I can't handle this well enough,LET ALONE WITH OTHER COMMUNITY.
Why i don't mix with other communities is because it's just too much of a hassle.For obvious reasons-exchanging interracial ideas,answering religion-related matters and other silly reasons too silly to state it here.
I would probably mix with them for vested-interest...maybe. For example,i can learn their language which i use for my own benefit.Or even maybe by chance we share the same interest...juuuust a little bit interest.Or i know i will meet them only once.Besides that,no thank you. I shall leave it that way. No benefit,no mix.
Hence,since i'm only staying within the confines of my own "clique"...the only possible thing that i'll do is to compete on something between each other in my group. No more than that.
On the contrary,lets look at it in a positive manner.
Sometimes people chose to be comfortable in their own "clique" for various reasons:
1)Unable to start a conversation -No topic-discussion in mind -Less ability to speak up -Language deficiency -Simple Shyness
2)Thinks highly of themselves
3)Simple couldnt be bother about communal living
A reminder to myself and others,We as Malays must step out of our little stuffy "box" and get to know other people from other communities.Trust me,its' not easy but its sure worth your time.
It's not wrong to stay within your "clique" but wouldnt it be better and exciting to explore and expand our horizon.You will gain more wide perspectives on life and the world.
I'm not sure of the percentile of Malays who compete amongst themselves but for several years now,Malays have proven quite a number of achievements within its community as well as with others. I remember at 2008 National Day Rally,PM Lee Hsein Loong praised the Malay community's achievements by far...it was applaudable. However he reminded the Malays to not be contented and satisfied with what they've already achieved. They should continue and but this time expand choices outside of their criteria.To try new things and especially to venture beyong their comfort-zone. Dig more and more experiences,knowledge and skills from other communities so as to strengthen the core foundation and the pillars that's already built.
Really,his advice comes on par with what Islam teaches us as well. I forgot to mention that PM Lee was refering to MALAY/MUSLIM community yeah. So if you feel and realised you are from that category,what are you waiting for??
Returning to the advice on par with what Islam encourages;its in Surah Al-Hujarat,verse 13 which said:
"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."
So...think about it yeah. A reminder for me to not to mix with my own friends but to mix with other girlfriends from other schools and country.Nothing ventured,nothing gain.
I apologise for any mistranslation occured or hurt anybody's feelings. Afterall,Addeenu Naseeha mu..:)and every truth is bitter..sometimes.
So again,it maybe true and may not be true to a certain extent that Malay prefer to stay within their cliques and love to compete amongst themselves.
I've always viewed Malay as a Baby. Soft and gentle. Very sensitive and absolutely fragile. Kalau sekasar2 melayu pun, taklah sampai sekasar2 orang arab kan? Orang melayu ni, sifatnya lemah lembut. =)
Mungkin kerana kelembutan orang melayu ni, yg buat agak sukar untuk campur dengan masyarakat. Kerana sifat2 sensitive, cakap sikit je terasa. Alamaakk.. :)
Sikap lembut orang melayu ni, bukan pun negative. Amat positive, tapi kalau pandai handle lagik Power!
But, Not All Malays are like that. Cause i believed, those who are exposed with the outside world of different kind, mingles very well whether with Malays or Indians or Chinese or even Russian or so on..
If we were to take a stroll in Orchard Road it is normal to see a group of Chinese, or a group of Malays or Indians. There might be a multiracial group of teenagers, with big possibilities from a same school. So i guess, it is normal for people to stick within their comfort zone.
But the question is, When are we going to stop sticking within the comfort zone? What will happen if the comfort zone is destroyed? Are we able to move on as an individual? Are we able to recreate a home? Or are we going to sit back relax and shut ourselves in our shells?
Ana rasa, soalan ini, boleh di'edit' jadi mcm ni...:
"Benarkah masyarakat (add in any race) gemar berkelompok dan sukar berinteraksi dengan masyarakat majmuk?"
Get it?
My point is, it's not about the Malays. It may even be other races; the Chinese, or even Arabs.. who love to stay in their comfy little space- not wanting to interact with others.
In my humble opinion, (I may be wrong, but I'm just sharing ok? =)) I think that it is just part of the human nature...or bad habit of an individual's personality.
So this is our challenge then. Islam came to abolish such character. ie. being stuck with our comfy zone, the status quo..
I am very sure that we've faced such a situation before.
(bedek uh kalau semua tak pernah rasa. dulu masa kat Ta'heeli,Kuliyyah, Ma'ahad, malu2 kan, nak approach budak lain dari negeri lain??) =P
So I personally think that it is neither about the Singaporeans, the Malaysians, the South Africans, the Russians or even the Japanese..
It's about how Humble we are, in greeting people from outside of our 'comfy zone'.
It's about how high our imaan is, is pushing away those unimportant shyness (malu tak kena tempat), by greeting strangers who are yet to be our friends.=)
Remember what the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said? Well, i cant quote the hadeeth perfectly yet it goes like; the one who gives the Salaam first, is whose Imaan is greater.
Principally, 'masyarakat Melayu' has the potential to change this bad habit. It may take time, but since we've known the Right thing..we should do a little bit of change...
Only then, will our Malay society (who perhaps dont know much abt the Deen) will follow. Insya Allah.
If we dont follow the Sunnah of the prophet to change, who will then??
Nk tulis..tapik rase nye semua sudah dikupas dengan jelas skali...cume nk tmbh sikit jek...
Kebanyakan komen-komen yang diberikan seolah-olah bersetuju bahawa hanya masyarakat melayu yang sukar untuk hidup bermajmuk dan disebabkan itu,saya setuju dengan kata-kata Hufaizah bahawa topik kali ini perlu di-"editkan" kepada kesemua masyarakat,bukan hanya tertumpu kepada masyarakat melayu.
Kadang-kadang peluang untuk berkelompok dengan masyarakat lain agak sempit dan itu mungkin salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan mereka/kami sukar berinteraksi. Contohnya, "community centre" menyediakan acara bersukan. Tetapi diantara syarat-syarat yang dikenakan tidak bersesuaian dengan masyarakat melayu/islam. Diantara syaratnya,tidak dibenarkan bertudung dan perlu memakai pakaian seragam yang disediakan. Bila dikenakan syarat-syarat sedemikian,masyarakat melayu/islam terpaksa tarik diri kerana dalam hal sedemikian,agama harus dititik-beratkan dahulu.
Selain itu,saya perhatikan dalam acara "National Day",atau pon acara "bola sepak",kesemua masyarakat di Singapura,benar-benar bersatu dalam meraikan acara sedemikian.
Walaupun secara zahirnya kelihatan seolah-olah masyarakat di Singapura sukar untuk berinteraksi,saya percaya jika diberi peluang,seperti mengadakan lebih banyak acara beramai-ramai, saya pasti kebanyakan masyarakat Singapura akan "turun padang" untuk menghidupkan suasana hidup secara bermajmuk.
Ana perasan tabiat yang memang telah menular dalam diri bangsa melayu,dimana kami ini selesa berada dikelompok kami dan hanya menyerlah disekitaran kami sahaja,berbanding bangsa2 yang lain. faktor berlakunya perkara ini,disebabkan persekitaran diwaktu dahulu kami sentiasa duduk dengan kelompok kami sahaja,lihat bagaimana tertubuh rumah-rumah bangsa melayu,jiran-jiran kanan dan kiri semuanya melayu,maka pertama dapat lihat sudut sekitaran kita semula jadi hidup dan selesa dengan kelompok kita.
kedua,lihat bagaimana peningkatan ilmu bangsa melayu diwaktu dahulu.amat rendah bangsa kita dalam mencapai pembelajaran yang tinggi lebih2 lagi bidang komunikasi bahsa inggeris yang menjadi jambatan antarabangsa buat penduduk dunia pada masa itu,bangsa kita jauh kebelakang.
lihat dari dua faktor ini sahaja kita lihat melayu sudah terjangkit dengan penyakit ini,dengan "comfort zone"mereka.
namun kini,tidak lagi ada istilah itu,kerana dunia melayu kami telah banyak berubah hasil perubahan suasan Singapra yang semakin membangun dan mencabar kerana setiap perkara kita perlu bersaing,maka tekanan ini telah membuat bangsa melayu telah keluar dari kepompomh"dunia" mereka.jika ada,mungkin segelintir atau pun di negara-negara melayu di asin tenggara lain bukan di siangapura secara khusus.
Kehebatan sesebuah kaum itu,bukan terletak pada hebatnya wira mereka,tetapi betapa hebat mereka mengamalkan ilmu Islam dalam kehidupan mereka.mari renung,kehebatan bangsa jepun,mereka amat menjaga masa,menepati waktu,tekun berusaha dan banyak lagi ibrah kita dapat kutip ttg kehebatan mereka.dari mana datangnya sifat2 mulia ini?ya,dari ilmu Islam!!!subhanallah!!!indahnya Islam bila disemai dan disuburkan.pasti gemilang juga bangsa melayu,bilama dipratikkan bangsa jepun dan bngsa yg maju yg lain. yang penting,berpegang pada tali Allah,pasti tidak lemah. wassalam
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Salam Brothers and Sisters in Islam
Every race carries with it excess baggage and we Malays are no different. What I mean by excess baggage is the inherited views, feelings and opinions. These have to a certain extent become part of our culture and values.
These values passed from generation to generation have created what Malays are now. One of them is the “Singapore belongs to the Malays” sentiment. There is no doubt that the Malays (orang laut) were the original inhabitants but when our fore fathers claim “Singapura Melayu Punya” we segregated ourselves from the general population. For one point of time we see ourselves as “The Superior Race”. That leads to the “Gemar Berkelompok” lifestlye.
But sad to say, when we claim (if so true) that we are the “Superior Race”, we do not know how to live up to it. We slackened, so drastically that when other races progressed, we developed an inferiority complex.
1) We become sour grapes by saying ‘Dunia ini diorang punya’.
2) We become very contented and don’t see the need to progress.
3) We even become a problem race for the government for one point of time by having the highest number of drug users.
This feeling lasted till the late eighties and there are still traces of it till now. When Malays have that inferiority complex, we do not want to compete with the other races because we know we can’t stand shoulder to shoulder with them. So what do we do? We compete among ourselves leading to “Sukar berinteraksi dengan mesyarakat majmuk” and will only want to excel among our own race, “Menyerlah antara mereka sendiri”.
We Malays have taken this a step further by ‘killing other Malays’ and being happy looking at the failure of our fellow race.
Let’s ask ourselves the following questions?
1) Are these negative values from Islam?
2) Did Islam teach us this? Surely no.
3) Does contentment in Islam hinder progress and excelling?
If we Malays don’t erase off the bad inherited values which I see as a disease, we are going nowhere. Let's look inwards, reflect upon ourselves and contemplate whether we are among this group of people.
True Allah has written our destiny, but we have the choice to choose which path do we want to take. We pave the way and Allah will guide us, insyaAllah.
Dengan kita tidak berkelompok dan dengan berinteraksi dengan masyarakat majmuk, keindahan Islam akan lebih terserlah. Inilah peluang untuk kita membuat da’wah. Memang benar proses ini memakan masa yang lama. Bahkan natijahnya mungkin kita tidak akan dapat dilihat semasa hayat kita tetapi ia tidak bermakna kerja ini tidak perlu dibuat dan di warisi oleh generasi yang akan datang. Barulah kita layak di gelar khairah ummah…
waAllahu ta’aala a’lam
syahrin mohd salleh
Salam'Alaikum wr.wb
What the 1st commentator mentioned on the 1st paragraph is absolutely correct.And with that,we must always take into consideration of every human personal history.
I share most of his opinion on this discussion.
It is very true to a certain extent that Malay community favour to be in their own circle than to mix with other community.
I take myself as an example.Im only able to mix with my own people.For instant,i come from an all girl school.Im comfortable in my own circle of group and prefer much much better to stay that way because to me,its tough to mix with girls who came from co-ed school.So,that is one weakness.
Second weakness,i only mix with people who are on the same wavelength as me-similar thinking,interest etc.Again,it's tough when i like Gucci and the other girl fancy Adidas.No comment interest at all.Now this only between us Malays. I can't handle this well enough,LET ALONE WITH OTHER COMMUNITY.
Why i don't mix with other communities is because it's just too much of a hassle.For obvious reasons-exchanging interracial ideas,answering religion-related matters and other silly reasons too silly to state it here.
I would probably mix with them for vested-interest...maybe. For example,i can learn their language which i use for my own benefit.Or even maybe by chance we share the same interest...juuuust a little bit interest.Or i know i will meet them only once.Besides that,no thank you. I shall leave it that way. No benefit,no mix.
Hence,since i'm only staying within the confines of my own "clique"...the only possible thing that i'll do is to compete on something between each other in my group. No more than that.
On the contrary,lets look at it in a positive manner.
Sometimes people chose to be comfortable in their own "clique" for various reasons:
1)Unable to start a conversation
-No topic-discussion in mind
-Less ability to speak up
-Language deficiency
-Simple Shyness
2)Thinks highly of themselves
3)Simple couldnt be bother about
communal living
A reminder to myself and others,We as Malays must step out of our little stuffy "box" and get to know other people from other communities.Trust me,its' not easy but its sure worth your time.
It's not wrong to stay within your "clique" but wouldnt it be better and exciting to explore and expand our horizon.You will gain more wide perspectives on life and the world.
I'm not sure of the percentile of Malays who compete amongst themselves but for several years now,Malays have proven quite a number of achievements within its community as well as with others.
I remember at 2008 National Day Rally,PM Lee Hsein Loong praised the Malay community's achievements by far...it was applaudable. However he reminded the Malays to not be contented and satisfied with what they've already achieved. They should continue and but this time expand choices outside of their criteria.To try new things and especially to venture beyong their comfort-zone. Dig more and more experiences,knowledge and skills from other communities so as to strengthen the core foundation and the pillars that's already built.
Really,his advice comes on par with what Islam teaches us as well.
I forgot to mention that PM Lee was refering to MALAY/MUSLIM community yeah. So if you feel and realised you are from that category,what are you waiting for??
Returning to the advice on par with what Islam encourages;its in Surah Al-Hujarat,verse 13 which said:
"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."
So...think about it yeah. A reminder for me to not to mix with my own friends but to mix with other girlfriends from other schools and country.Nothing ventured,nothing gain.
I apologise for any mistranslation occured or hurt anybody's feelings.
Afterall,Addeenu Naseeha mu..:)and every truth is bitter..sometimes.
So again,it maybe true and may not be true to a certain extent that Malay prefer to stay within their cliques and love to compete amongst themselves.
Salaams to All..
I've always viewed Malay as a Baby. Soft and gentle. Very sensitive and absolutely fragile. Kalau sekasar2 melayu pun, taklah sampai sekasar2 orang arab kan? Orang melayu ni, sifatnya lemah lembut. =)
Mungkin kerana kelembutan orang melayu ni, yg buat agak sukar untuk campur dengan masyarakat. Kerana sifat2 sensitive, cakap sikit je terasa. Alamaakk.. :)
Sikap lembut orang melayu ni, bukan pun negative. Amat positive, tapi kalau pandai handle lagik Power!
But, Not All Malays are like that. Cause i believed, those who are exposed with the outside world of different kind, mingles very well whether with Malays or Indians or Chinese or even Russian or so on..
If we were to take a stroll in Orchard Road it is normal to see a group of Chinese, or a group of Malays or Indians. There might be a multiracial group of teenagers, with big possibilities from a same school. So i guess, it is normal for people to stick within their comfort zone.
But the question is, When are we going to stop sticking within the comfort zone? What will happen if the comfort zone is destroyed? Are we able to move on as an individual? Are we able to recreate a home? Or are we going to sit back relax and shut ourselves in our shells?
Every Muslim is a survivor.
Arzwena Fardany
In His name- the Most Merciful Most Gracious...
Ana rasa, soalan ini, boleh di'edit' jadi mcm ni...:
"Benarkah masyarakat (add in any race) gemar berkelompok dan sukar berinteraksi dengan masyarakat majmuk?"
Get it?
My point is, it's not about the Malays. It may even be other races; the Chinese, or even Arabs.. who love to stay in their comfy little space- not wanting to interact with others.
In my humble opinion, (I may be wrong, but I'm just sharing ok? =)) I think that it is just part of the human nature...or bad habit of an individual's personality.
So this is our challenge then. Islam came to abolish such character. ie. being stuck with our comfy zone, the status quo..
I am very sure that we've faced such a situation before.
(bedek uh kalau semua tak pernah rasa. dulu masa kat Ta'heeli,Kuliyyah, Ma'ahad, malu2 kan, nak approach budak lain dari negeri lain??) =P
So I personally think that it is neither about the Singaporeans, the Malaysians, the South Africans, the Russians or even the Japanese..
It's about how Humble we are, in greeting people from outside of our 'comfy zone'.
It's about how high our imaan is, is pushing away those unimportant shyness (malu tak kena tempat), by greeting strangers who are yet to be our friends.=)
Remember what the Prophet (p.b.u.h)
said? Well, i cant quote the hadeeth perfectly yet it goes like; the one who gives the Salaam first, is whose Imaan is greater.
Principally, 'masyarakat Melayu' has the potential to change this bad habit. It may take time, but since we've known the Right thing..we should do a little bit of change...
Only then, will our Malay society (who perhaps dont know much abt the Deen) will follow. Insya Allah.
If we dont follow the Sunnah of the prophet to change, who will then??
wallahu a'lam.
Nk tulis..tapik rase nye semua sudah dikupas dengan jelas skali...cume nk tmbh sikit jek...
Kebanyakan komen-komen yang diberikan seolah-olah bersetuju bahawa hanya masyarakat melayu yang sukar untuk hidup bermajmuk dan disebabkan itu,saya setuju dengan kata-kata Hufaizah bahawa topik kali ini perlu di-"editkan" kepada kesemua masyarakat,bukan hanya tertumpu kepada masyarakat melayu.
Kadang-kadang peluang untuk berkelompok dengan masyarakat lain agak sempit dan itu mungkin salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan mereka/kami sukar berinteraksi. Contohnya, "community centre" menyediakan acara bersukan. Tetapi diantara syarat-syarat yang dikenakan tidak bersesuaian dengan masyarakat melayu/islam. Diantara syaratnya,tidak dibenarkan bertudung dan perlu memakai pakaian seragam yang disediakan. Bila dikenakan syarat-syarat sedemikian,masyarakat melayu/islam terpaksa tarik diri kerana dalam hal sedemikian,agama harus dititik-beratkan dahulu.
Selain itu,saya perhatikan dalam acara "National Day",atau pon acara "bola sepak",kesemua masyarakat di Singapura,benar-benar bersatu dalam meraikan acara sedemikian.
Walaupun secara zahirnya kelihatan seolah-olah masyarakat di Singapura sukar untuk berinteraksi,saya percaya jika diberi peluang,seperti mengadakan lebih banyak acara beramai-ramai, saya pasti kebanyakan masyarakat Singapura akan "turun padang" untuk menghidupkan suasana hidup secara bermajmuk.
Ana perasan tabiat yang memang telah menular dalam diri bangsa melayu,dimana kami ini selesa berada dikelompok kami dan hanya menyerlah disekitaran kami sahaja,berbanding bangsa2 yang lain.
faktor berlakunya perkara ini,disebabkan persekitaran diwaktu dahulu kami sentiasa duduk dengan kelompok kami sahaja,lihat bagaimana tertubuh rumah-rumah bangsa melayu,jiran-jiran kanan dan kiri semuanya melayu,maka pertama dapat lihat sudut sekitaran kita semula jadi hidup dan selesa dengan kelompok kita.
kedua,lihat bagaimana peningkatan ilmu bangsa melayu diwaktu dahulu.amat rendah bangsa kita dalam mencapai pembelajaran yang tinggi lebih2 lagi bidang komunikasi bahsa inggeris yang menjadi jambatan antarabangsa buat penduduk dunia pada masa itu,bangsa kita jauh kebelakang.
lihat dari dua faktor ini sahaja kita lihat melayu sudah terjangkit dengan penyakit ini,dengan "comfort zone"mereka.
namun kini,tidak lagi ada istilah itu,kerana dunia melayu kami telah banyak berubah hasil perubahan suasan Singapra yang semakin membangun dan mencabar kerana setiap perkara kita perlu bersaing,maka tekanan ini telah membuat bangsa melayu telah keluar dari kepompomh"dunia" mereka.jika ada,mungkin segelintir atau pun di negara-negara melayu di asin tenggara lain bukan di siangapura secara khusus.
Kehebatan sesebuah kaum itu,bukan terletak pada hebatnya wira mereka,tetapi betapa hebat mereka mengamalkan ilmu Islam dalam kehidupan mereka.mari renung,kehebatan bangsa jepun,mereka amat menjaga masa,menepati waktu,tekun berusaha dan banyak lagi ibrah kita dapat kutip ttg kehebatan mereka.dari mana datangnya sifat2 mulia ini?ya,dari ilmu Islam!!!subhanallah!!!indahnya Islam bila disemai dan disuburkan.pasti gemilang juga bangsa melayu,bilama dipratikkan bangsa jepun dan bngsa yg maju yg lain.
yang penting,berpegang pada tali Allah,pasti tidak lemah.
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