Tuesday, August 19, 2008


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

On Thursday night, 11th Sya’ban for the first time ever, Dmasyq had an open dialog session amongst its members. Unlike a debate where one supports his/her views on an issue, a dialog is more of an open heart to heart talk about what we see as a growing problem. The aim of having this is merely to have a right understanding of the issue and come to a common stand.
Topic chosen was Boy Girl Relationship (BGR). Although one may think that this is an old topic that has been discussed over the years by different people at different levels. Dmasyq sees it as a growing concern in the Muslim community especially when it exists and is practiced by Shari’ah students. We had two brothers and two sisters presenting the issue. But main participation was from the floor. Numerous questions and scenarios were thrown in and the issue of engagement (khitbah) and its confusions was also raised.
Response from Dmasyqians were very encouraging. We would like to thank each and everyone who had made it a success. To the Brothers and Sisters of Dmasyq, kudos to all of you. We thank you for your continous support for the programs that Dmasyq had been organizing. We apologize for any shortcomings that we have. We look forward to more participation from Dmasyqians in future programs.

We are the seekers of knowledge and whether we like it or not, the society will always look at us. No matter how we Islamanize BGR and give it an Islamic cloak, it has never been and will it ever be permissable in Islam. So let us lead by examples.

waAllahu ta’aala a’lam

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