Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So How Was The AGM?


All praises to Allah Almighty for the Unity that has been thought by Our Noble Prophet Muhammad Sallahu’alaihi wassalam.

On 18th April 2009, for the 7th time in Dmasyq history we had an Annual General Meeting. It commenced at 9.15am sharp with an opening Al-Quran recitation from our Bro Hafiz who is well-known for his beautiful voice and a quick speech by our ex-President Dmasyq, Mohamad Faizal Bin Mohd Wahab. Followed by a review of past year AGM minutes read by Bro Abdullah Syamil.

The event was occupied by revising the Principle Book of Dmasyq (Buku Perlembagaan). After the dreadful moment from morning to noon, the excitement began with the launching of the campaign session for any particular Brother or Sister for a certain post.

While waiting for the results, we had an entertaining interval by our Brothers singing and humming to the different types of Selawat, and were served the famous Nasi Mandi for dinner!

A million thanks to our former Exco members for their contributions to Dmasyq and also for having the courage to face the obstacles that has been brought up by many. Congratulations to our new President Muhammad Fadli Bin Mohamed Ayub and the new Akhwat Representative, Mardhiyah Bte Mohamed Yusoff and also not forgetting the rest of the EXCO team members. May Allah azza wa jalla Guide every single one of you in carrying out this responsibility with much endurance.

List of Dmasyq EXCO team members:

President: Muhammad Fadli Bin Mohamed Ayub
Vice-President: Mohammad Khairi Bin Nazron

Exco Members:

Mohammad Faizal Bin Mohd Wahab
Muhammad Zahir Bin Mohd Zin
Achmad Faisal Bin Mohd Kamsari
Ibrahim Bin Hashim

Akhawat’s Representative: Mardhiyah Bte Mohamed Yusoff

Exco Members:
Wardah Binte Ismail
Tengku Madihah Fathiyatul Fauziyyah Bt Tengku Md Fauzy Jumat
Khadijah Binte Mohamed Hussain

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