Wednesday 26 Sya’ban 1429H (27 August 2008) will be remembered by 6 brothers and 13 sisters for the rest of their lives.
Two days later, on Friday 28 Sya’ban (29 August) two more sisters joined them.
These two dates mark a milestone in the lives of 21 people altogether.
Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah azza wa jalla, the batch of new students had safely arrived on the blessed land of Syam. All praises be to Allah subhaana for allowing this to happen.
What had went on prior to the arrival of the new Dmasyq family???
The syabab's preparations...
"Walaupun pengalaman saya baru setahun di Syria. Saya gembira kerana dapat menyumbangkan sedikit sebanyak maklumat yang saya dapat kepada pelajar-pelajar baru." – Khairi Nazron 20 tahun
"Memandangkan ini kali pertama saya berkhidmat untuk sambutan pelajar baru, saya bersyukur dan berasa seronok melihat ketibaan mereka berjalan lancar." – M.Zahir Zin 22 tahun
Semasa di Singapura, DMASYQ diwakili oleh beberapa ahli yang pulang bercuti telah mengadakan beberapa sesi perjumpaan dengan pelajar-pelajar baru yang akan melanjutkan pelajaran mereka di Syria. Taklimat juga telah diadakan secara rasmi di Masjid Al-Mukminin. Ribuan terima kasih diucapkan kepada Masjid Al-Mukminin dan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam menguruskan urusan visa dan tiket penerbangan.
Di Damsyiq, Syria pula, persiapan menyambut pelajar-pelajar baru telah dijalankan sepanjang sebulan yang lalu. Kerja-kerja mencari rumah sewa, meyiapkan kertas kerja untuk urusan pendaftaran, menyediakan program orientasi dan lain-lain lagi berjalan mengikut aturan yang telah dirancang.
Antara khidmat DMASYQ untuk pelajar baru:
Di Singapura
* Taklimat
* Visa dan Tiket penerbangan
* Cop sijil MFA
Di Syria
* Mencari rumah sewa
* Menyambut pelajar di lapangan terbang Damsyiq, Syria.
* Majlis Orientasi
* Urusan pendaftaran
...And What Would We Do Without The Sisters???
On the akhawat’s side, alhamdulillah, we managed to distribute our new akhawat into 3 houses, namely: Bait Hannan (6 akhawat), Bait Rayyan (3 akhawat) and the new house which was named Bait Iman (5 akhawat). Finding a new, suitable house, as the seniors discovered, is not an easy task. Nevertheless, throughout the whole process, much has been learnt. It was indeed a good experience for us, teaching us to be independent and resourceful. We truly hope our new syabab and akhawat find comfort in their humble houses, within which reside, our future du’aat and Islamic scholars, biidznillah!
Dmasyq would also like to thank every single one from the Dmasyq family who had contributed to the preperation of welcoming the new brothers and sisters.
We would like to especially thank someone close to our hearts who has been a backbone to the preparation of the departure to new students annually.
This special someone does not know what is tired. He is ever willing to help new students.
MFA stamp,Ticket Reservations, Syrian Visa Application in KL, Airport Departure, You name it...
He did it all. A couple of words to describe him, “OBLIGING” and “PATIENT”.
He is non other than OUR PAKCIK KAMSARI.
May Allah reward you and bless you and your family
Cik Kam.
Meanwhile, Ramadhan is now entering its first week. Prior to that, we tried to help our new akhawat settle in as soon as possible so that when Ramadhan arrives, focus will be more on trying to optimise this blessed month with good deeds in the hope of attaining nearness to ALLAH. Each house is supposed to hold a daily tadarrus session (1 juz per day) among its members, and once a week, all akhawat will gather together at a selected house for a mass tadarrus session. We aim to complete the whole Qur’anul karim before Ramadhan ends, insyaAllah. Our new akhawat have even started attending language classes at Ma’ahad Idrisi. We hope this will help to fill their time and refreshing their Arabic language and grammar before the school term starts, also part of their preparation for the entrance exam for kuliyyah. Feedbacks on the classes have been positive, and we truly salute their enthusiasm and strength, traveling to and fro the tuition centre in this summer heat, in Ramadhan, every day (except for Fridays), to seek knowledge.
بارك الله فيهن و سهل الله لهن الطريق إلى الجنة.آمين
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